hey! 👋🏻 my name is ...

Kevin Zhang

📌 Toronto, ON 📝 Resume
i am a ...
📢 Full Stack Developer at StackAdapt
🎓 H.BSc in Computer Science from UofT
and previously ...
🛍️ Frontend Developer at Shopify
🏡 Systems Integration Lead at MPAC
🍎 Teaching Assistant at UTSC
with professional experience in ...
👨🏻‍💻 Languages
Python, Javascript / Typescript, Ruby, Go, Rust, Java, C, Groovy, SQL
🌐 Web / Frameworks
React, Angular, Redux, Node.js, Remix, Spring Boot, GraphQL, Postgres, MongoDB
🎨 Design
Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Figma
✨ Other
Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, Google Cloud, Storybook, Git, Bash
outside of the office i am ...
a classical pianist 🎹 and general music 🎶 lover
a casual hiker 🥾 and amateur photographer 📸
in a love/hate relationship with league of legends 🎮
but enough talk, let's get in touch!
📧 Email
👔 LinkedIn
💻 GitHub